Microsoft Outlook is an essential tool for managing emails, contacts, calendar events, and more. For those who are blind, visually impaired, or have other print disabilities, using keyboard shortcuts offers a more efficient way to navigate and manage Outlook features.
The following is a comprehensive list of Microsoft Outlook keyboard shortcuts that work for Outlook 2010 and later versions. These shortcuts help users access key features without relying on the mouse, enhancing productivity and accessibility.
General Navigation and Views
- Ctrl+1 = Switch to Mail
- Ctrl+2 = Switch to Calendar
- Ctrl+3 = Switch to Contacts
- Ctrl+4 = Switch to Tasks
- Ctrl+5 = Switch to Notes
- Ctrl+6 = Switch to Folder List in Navigation Pane
- Ctrl+7 = Switch to Shortcuts
- Ctrl+Shift+B = Open Address Book
Navigating the Message List and Viewing Emails
Message List and Main Window Navigation
- Tab = Move forward through screen elements
- Shift+Tab = Move backward through screen elements
- Ctrl+Shift+I = Go to Inbox
- Ctrl+Shift+O = Go to Outbox
- Ctrl+Y = Go to another folder
- F3/Ctrl+E = Go to the Search box
- Ctrl+M/F9 = Check for new messages
- Alt+Left Arrow/Alt+Right Arrow = Go back/forward to previous/next view
- Ctrl+N = Create a new message
- Ctrl+Shift+M = Create a new message from any view
Navigating the Navigation Pane
- Arrow Up/Arrow Down = Move between folders in the Navigation Pane
- Shift+Tab = Jump between the Message List and Navigation Pane
- Arrow Left/Arrow Right = Collapse/Expand message groups in the Navigation Pane
- A-Z = Jump to folder starting with a specific letter
- F2 = Rename a folder
- Delete = Delete a folder
Navigating the Message List
- Arrow Up/Arrow Down = Move between messages in the list
- Shift+Arrow Down/Up = Select multiple adjacent messages
- Ctrl+Arrow Up/Down + Space = Select multiple non-adjacent messages
- Ctrl+Shift+V = Move selected messages to a different folder
- Insert = Flag the message
- Ctrl+Shift+G = Add a custom flag to a message
- Ctrl+Q/Ctrl+U = Mark message as read/unread
- Ctrl+Alt+M = Mark a message for download
- Alt+Enter = Show message properties
- Ctrl+Shift+S = Post a message to a folder
- Ctrl+Shift+Y = Copy a message to another folder
- Space/Shift+Space = Page up/down through message text
- Ctrl+./Ctrl+, = Jump to the next/previous message in the current view
Composing and Formatting Email
- Tab = Cycle through To, Cc, Subject, and Message Body
- Alt+M = Choose a From account
- Alt+S = Send the message
- Ctrl+S/Shift+F12 = Save the message
- Ctrl+X/Ctrl+C/Ctrl+V = Cut/Copy/Paste
- Ctrl+B = Bold text
- Ctrl+I = Italicize text
- Ctrl+U = Underline text
- Ctrl+Shift+L = Add or remove bullets
- Ctrl+L = Align text to the left
- Ctrl+R = Align text to the right
- Ctrl+E = Align text to the center
- Ctrl+T/Ctrl+Shift+T = Increase/decrease indent
- Ctrl+Space = Clear formatting
Creating Items
- Ctrl+Shift+A = Create an appointment
- Ctrl+Shift+C = Create a contact
- Ctrl+Shift+L = Create a distribution list
- Ctrl+Shift+Q = Create a meeting request
- Ctrl+Shift+M = Create a new message
- Ctrl+Shift+N = Create a new note
Calendar and Task Shortcuts
Calendar Shortcuts
- Ctrl+N = Create a new appointment (Calendar view)
- Ctrl+Shift+A = Create a new appointment (any view)
- Ctrl+Shift+Q = Create a new meeting request
- Ctrl+G = Set up recurrence for an appointment or task
Calendar Navigation
- Ctrl+Alt+1 = Switch to Day view
- Ctrl+Alt+2 = Switch to Work Week view
- Ctrl+Alt+3 = Switch to Full Week view
- Ctrl+Alt+4 = Switch to Month view
- Arrow Left/Arrow Right = Move to the previous or next day
- Home/End = Go to the beginning or end of the calendar view
Contact Shortcuts
- F3/Ctrl+E = Search for a contact or other items
- Ctrl+A = Select all contacts
- Ctrl+F = Create a new message to the selected contact
- Ctrl+N = Create a new contact (Contacts view)
- Ctrl+Shift+C = Create a new contact (any view)
- Ctrl+Shift+B = Open Address Book
- Ctrl+Shift+F = Use Advanced Find
Task Shortcuts
- Ctrl+E = Search for tasks or other items
- Ctrl+Y = Open Go To Folder dialog box
- Ctrl+N = Create a new task (Tasks view)
- Ctrl+Shift+K = Create a new task (any view)
- Insert = Flag task or mark it complete
- Ctrl+P = Print the selected item
Additional Useful Shortcuts
- Ctrl+Alt+S = Define Send/Receive groups
- Ctrl+Alt+Shift+F12 = Save Form Design
Additional Keyboard Commands
Microsoft Outlook has tons of keyboard shortcuts to make navigating easier, especially for those who rely on the keyboard instead of a mouse. While this list covers a lot, there might be some commands I missed.
If you know of any additional keyboard shortcuts that aren’t listed here, drop me a comment! I’ll be sure to add them so we can keep this list as useful and up-to-date as possible.